Thursday, April 20, 2006

Zen and the Art of Musical Masturbation

I’ve been reading this book called ‘Zen Guitar’. I thought it might give my practicing a much-needed kick, and help me get more disciplined and all that. So far, it hasn’t done shit. That doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s not a good book. It only means that I suffer from a serious lack of self-discipline and motivation. Someday I will get around to fixing this problem.

But that’s not the point. My point is…actually, I just realised I don’t have a point. But these trivialities will not deter me. What I wanted to say was, I came across a term in this book that uh…caught my fancy. Its called 'musical masturbation'. (I’m guessing it probably caught your fancy too, eh??)

I know what you’re thinking. Now would be a good time to stop thinking it.

It’s not some mellifluous (I always wanted to use that word) method to get your rocks off. The author used the term to describe a long-winded pointless solo by some musician showing off his technical prowess just to feel good. Essentially, in the Zen context, such showing off of technical prowess is without spirit and is just a form of musical masturbation.

It sounds quite sensible, but here’s the thing. I can feel the slow, hazy formation of a point. It’s still nebulous at this stage, but it’s better than not having one at all, I suppose. I listen to a lot of music where there are bucket-loads of technical prowess flying at me at 300 notes per minute. What’s more, I even enjoy some of this music. And I’m pretty sure the guy who’s showing off his technical prowess is enjoying himself too. So if he’s enjoying himself and I’m enjoying myself, does that mean we’re engaging in some kind of telepathic form of group musical masturbation? (Ecchhh!! I think I need a shower.)

It’s a scary thought. If it’s true, I’m probably doomed to listening to the Backstreet Boys or other such bands that have the technical prowess of a sedated walrus.

What do you think?

On the other hand, maybe I should just shut up and listen to whatever makes me happy. Speaking of other hands, maybe I should just stick to using those, in the good old-fashioned masturbatory method. Better yet, maybe I should stop reading this book, get out more often, and get laid...


sac said...

aren't zen monks supposed to stay off the monkey spanking, anyhoo?

Rael Imperial Aerosol Kid said...

Naaz - Thanks for the advice. I think I will!

Sac - Yeah, I have a vague idea that these monks can't go about pleasuring themselves. Which is why I never became one. well, that and many other reasons we shall not get into...