Thursday, November 09, 2006

Chemical Youth (C11H15NO2)

10.30pm 1whisky 10.45pm 1morewhisky 11pm 1ohms 11.20pm yetanotherwhisky youareamonkeywithacap wheredidthisjokercomefromanyway?? 11.30pm sasha&digweed 11.40pm 1beer whatisthismusicanyway?? 12am 0.5waitaminutefor15minutes 12.15 am lookatthelights 12.30am 0.5wait15minutesmore 12.40am thismusicnotsobad 12.45am thismusicreallygood 1am whoneedswater?? ineedswaterineedsit 1.10am thismusicisawesome letsgoupfront 1.20am upfrontlookatthelights where'stherestofthegang? whogivesafuck? 1.45am 1ohms lifeisgood 2.03am morewater movealongthenletsgofindtheothers 2.07am othersfound muchhugging 2.15am arewemissingsomeone i'llgobackandgethim 2.20am thebigreunion randomphotographstakenbycreepyoldguywithglasses 2.30am 1mandown4togo 2.40am famouspassout runtohouse whyarethegoddamnlightssofuckingbright?? imfreezingmyballsoff! 2.57am phewhereweareagainbackinsideallniceanddark thishmoozicishaaaawshum! 3.09am 0.5 sweatyhugsfromthejoker wherethefuckdidthisjokercomefromanyway?? 3.15am waterrun igot1bottleinmypocketand2inhand mynameisaquaman 3.41am 0.5 'nuffsaidletsdance 3.57am 2moredown2togo 4.17am 0.25 myscore2.25what'syourscoremuthafucka?? stilltrippin'stilldancin' 5.00am partnerincrimegetstiredandneedsarest 5.30am timetoleavethisjoint gnashgnashgnash 5.45am inthehouse 6am darksideofthemoonLP wotasooperidea gnashgnash 6.45am randomsongsfromhowtodismantleanatomicbomb gnash 7.20am trytosleep jawshurtin'teethgnashin' listentoiPod ineedsomeprogmetal achangeofseasons scenesfromamemory somebillyjoelperhaps 52ndstreet thestranger moreDT imagesandwords fallingintoinfinity lightsleep thisroomistoobright wherearemyshades?? what'sthetime?? 11.30am stilltrippin' gnash ow!myjawhurts 11.40am coffee? yeahsure 11.52am let'swaketheothers 12.05am 1beer 12.30am stilltrippin' 1.30pm pizza 1.40pm lightrest music housesoftheholy lightsleep 3pm home onlywenttosleepatmidnight endofstory


(I started this post almost 10 days ago, but circumstances prevented me from completing it earlier. Finally, it is done.)


Tartrazina said...


Rat said...

Hellooo enough blog break.. now please write about your various concert experiences !!

Anonymous said...

I suddenly feel old. Maybe I should stop putting spaces between my words.
Love your blog BTW

Rael Imperial Aerosol Kid said...

Tart - Yes. I agree. Phewww!

Rat - Ok, I listened. concert experiences will be written about shortly.

Anonymous - Spaces between words are over-rated. Thanks for dropping by. Come again.

I shall endeavour to blog more regularly.