Wednesday, January 17, 2007

God's Playlist

Yeah yeah I know I was supposed to write about December. I'm busy! I'll get to it.

But in the meantime...

I was on my way to work today, lost in the deafening riffs and general gloom of Black Sabbath's 'Sabbath Bloody Sabbath', when this girl (young, long blonde hair, skinny legs, shy smile...just in case you were wondering) stopped me and handed me a flyer.

It had the words "PRAYER STATION" on it, and asked "Would you like someone to pray with you?"

Coincidence, you think? Naaaah! More like divine intervention.

Methinks the Jesus is listening.

Maybe not to Black Sabbath, but He is listening...

What do you think He's listening to now?


Anonymous said...

whatalouly! Methinks God listeneth to Snoop Dog. As for his disciples, they probably listen to Pat Robertson of 700 Club fame. Dunno if you folks down under have had the privilege of listening to Pat's views on life, the universe, and everything....but his answer to the big question is most certainly not 42! Rich does not begin to describe it!


Tartrazina said...

hahahaha... i think he's listening to Weezer - Island in the sun! hip-hip!!

Penny Lane said...

Jesus stuff is really SUSSS!! And this is coming from Ace Catholic like me ;-)

dazedandconfused said...

good to read you again, old buddy!

those concerts made very good reading...but you'r right. need to get to one pretty soon...