Saturday, March 24, 2007

Pieces of November

  • I feel like bullet points. Put it down to the fact that I've been working on presentations most of this week.
  • I wrote a post earlier about what I did in November. This is an addendum to that. No one cares anymore what I did in November, but its more so for me to move on and write about December and the New Year.
  • A States-based friend of mine came to visit me. (She'll probably never read this anyway)
  • Showed her around Sydney (in some cases, she showed me around) and Melbourne.
  • I was at my man-magnetic best during this period! None of the guys even looked at her. They were busy looking at me, buying me drinks and what not. Very disturbing, yes, but I took the free drinks anyway...
  • No attention from the women, though. Very very disturbing!
  • Highlight of the trip, and the main point of this post - a bunch of us went camping. Bunch consisted of my housemates, States-based friend, world-famous blogger Penny Lane and her boyfriend.
  • We went to this place called Wilson's Prom(ontory). Beautiful spot to go camping and trekking.
  • Rocked up there on Saturday afternoon, set up tents, got the BBQ out, set up the portable iPod player, and proceeded to get smashed. (Yes, folks, this is our idea of roughing it. We went out to the wilderness, and made it our own personal backyard. Rough!)
  • Wilson's Prom has plenty of walking tracks and beaches all around. Sometimes the tracks lead to these beaches! Whoopdedoo!
  • One of the better known beaches is Squeaky Beach, so called because the sand squeaks when you walk on it. It was awesome! Surpassed all expectations. Superb white sand, and relatively empty (except for a dead seal-like creature). From memory, the sand is made of quartz crystals, which results in the squeaky sound. And it squeaked like an ensemble of mice on coke!
  • Spent the rest of the Saturday getting more drunk and eating more BBQ food. At some point, 'dead baby' jokes were told. ( I think I started that...)
  • Sunday - we went trekking. Walked up this hill track, reached the top an hour and a half later, and smoked up, while admiring the scenery (which got consistently better with each drag).
  • Spotted a snake on the way up. (I almost stepped on the damn thing.) Penny conquered her fears (well, for that moment anyway). She claimed later that it was a tiger snake and highly poisonous. This I can't say for sure. But knowing that Australia is chock-full of all types of cheerful creepy-crawlies that have enough venom in one bite to kill you and your extended family, I'd probably agree that it was highly poisonous.
  • All in all, a good time was had. I'm sure I have some pics from the trip. Are they going to see the light of day? Probably not.
  • I wish we had gone camping more than just once. Now the summer's nearly over. Damn!
  • My States-based friend had a great time, and absolutely loved Australia. Which only proves that we folks down under know how to party!
  • There, I did it. It's finished. Now we can all move on. Phew...


ImmaculateMissConception said...

will i be taken to squeaky beach??
if i come in summer??
sigh..if i ever come...
promise me you will take me..
even i wanna hear sand squeak like mice on coke..
i can compare it to how humans sound on coke!!

Anonymous said...

You use the term "states-based" rather loosely mon ami. Considering our common friend's proclivity to trace rather desultory paths across the unsuspecting globe to encounter some of its clueless denizens, our friend is better described as "worldly" or "earthling" or any other descriptor that better describes our friend's location in space-time.


Tartrazina said...!

Rael Imperial Aerosol Kid said...

Immaculate - Promise. You come.

Kartik - you're right, worldly is more like it. though States-based has s nicer ring to it.

Tart - Coming up!!

Anonymous said...

well... the "states-based" wandering gypsy did read it... and she had a fantastic time in Australia:)

Funny though.. she found it while she searched for Genesis memorabilia...;)

Tartrazina said...

dude its almost been a month!!!! NEXT POST PLEASE!!!

ImmaculateMissConception said...

I agree with Tartrazina...

I mean really..

AS IF you are that busy!!

Penny Lane said...

Hello... November was 6 months ago!

Jobove - Reus said...

We visit your blog and have been awhile, thank you

dazedandconfused said...

Have u abandoned this blog, or gone into hibernation for the winter?

Prasanna K said...

I know a lot of folks here are into music - so although you don't blog anymore, let me spam a little :-D

Guys, please go to You can upload your own music, and get feedback, put up your band, etc.

It's done by a friend of mine, so if you have any cribs or compliments, please let me know.